Monday, October 1, 2007

On Sunday I got out to the garage and finished painting in scenes in the cemetery. We are leaving a couple of walls blank so that people can focus their attention on the main scene and along the outer will be as if they are walking outside the cemetery fence, safely out of reach.
I'm attaching 3 pics...The walk through begins with the riddle tombstone, then the tree in the corner and then along the wall to the continuation of the physical fence (painted on the wall for the last section due to space constraints) and the dementors on the wall. There will be tombstones and voldemort in the main cemetery behind the fence and an animated dementor hanging above the painted ones. The pictures are in order bottom to top, the last picture shows our physical cemetary fence and some of the tombstones from previous years which we will be using in the display...note the physical fence matches the painted fence in size and look.

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